North America’s Most Engaged People Ops Community

The one membership that gives you all the answers and insights you need from a global community of modern, knowledgeable HR, recruitment, and operations peers and leaders.

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- Lightspeed - ApplyBoard - meta - Wealthsimple - IBM - Koho - Mastercard - Shopify - Google - Stackadapt - Starbucks

Join over 5000 People Ops professionals
from around the world

Grow your career faster
Stay ahead of the curve
Always have the answers

Achieve more

In a profession where you’re expected to know everything at the drop of a hat, empowering yourself to have access to resources, peers and leaders who have gone through what you’re going through is
the best investment you can make.

Find your People People

Elevate your network

With The People People Group you’re not just connecting—you’re growing. Surround yourself with like-minded professionals who understand your journey and can help you reach new heights.

Best of all, these connections are meaningful. TPPG curates a community where every interaction adds value, ensuring you’re matching you with peers who share your goals and ambitions.

Say goodbye to feeling like an exhausted army of one and hello to a thriving, supportive network.

Save yourself and your company thousands of dollars

Invest your savings into other programs for your people

Now more than ever, People People are being asked to do way more with way less. With our member perks, you can always make sure you’re getting the best deal for yourself or your company. From HRIS platforms to ATSes to leadership training to swag providers, we’re constantly adding, organizing and partnering with top tier companies you can trust to solve any problem thrown at you

Hire or get hired confidently

Thousands have hired or been hired on TPPG

You’re searching for the right talent or aiming to land your next role. But the market is crowded, and it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. So what do you do? You could painstakingly maintain a list or spreadsheet. Or you could try to keep it all in your head.

TPPG makes it fast and easy. When you join our community, you’re instantly connected with professionals opportunities who are ready to act. Whether you’re hiring or job hunting, Way less juggling or guesswork—way more results and clarity.

What our members say

What are you waiting for?

The People People Group is supported by a variety of amazing partners.